Monday, July 17, 2006

Skype Protocol Has Been Reverse Engineered?

From Charlie Paglee,
A company in China has successfully reverse engineered the Skype protocol. The unnamed company has created a client that is capable of communicating on the VOIP phone solution. They plan to create a 100% Skype-compatible client and release the source code for licensing.

The new client that they are going to release will not support Skype’s Super Node technology. Right now every computer with Skype installed on it can be used as a relay to carry data between two other computers when both of those computers are only allowed to make outgoing TCP calls. This means that very soon Skype users will have an alternative client which will not hijack their computer. This could eventually have a very negative effect on the Skype network if too many people choose not to act as Skype Super Nodes and the network starts to deteriorate.
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