Wednesday, January 31, 2007

CERT Secure Coding Standards

As part of the CERT Secure Coding Initiative, the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) has deployed a new collaborative web site, SecureCoding, dedicated to developing secure coding standards for various programming languages. CERT's initial efforts are focused on the development of secure coding practices for the C and C++ programming languages. Rules and recommendations for secure coding practices in the C and C++ programming languages are now available in the website. The purpose of this project is that the practices can be used by software developers for professional development and as the basis for organizational coding standards supporting the quality of their products. Software producers can use this information as they develop strategies to avoid vulnerabilities when they code new software.

The development of secure coding practices is a necessary step to stem the ever-increasing threat from software vulnerabilities. CERT's goal is that the enumeration of secure code practices will allow for a common set of criteria that can be used to measure and evaluate software development efforts.
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